5 Social Media Mistakes that Break Brands in China

5 Social Media Mistakes that Break Brands in China

China’s social media is expanding each day and has now crossed over 700 million active users. Most profound businesses in China are said to focus on their marketing strategy. The fact is that only a few understand the right tactics to build an everlasting reputation in the increasing digital competition. 

Are you looking for mindful and authentic techniques to prevent your B2B brand from facing a decline? The article is a must-read to know how to avoid breaking a reputation on Social Media in China. 


  1. Redundant Social Media Presence – A Matter to Look for 

China is the leading B2B platform that many brands aspire to enter. However, the brands becoming part of the Chinese marketplace are either weak in rightly integrating social media or cleverly making maximum use of it. This case is erroneous in the digital community worldwide. The internet statistics have recorded nearly 50% of the social media accounts in China that are redundant or fraudulent. 

Many Chinese brands on social media create multiple social accounts to extend brand awareness – stop here! The biggest mistake is utilizing the facility in the wrong way. A B2B brand is required to build an organized reputation in the virtual world.

The best practice is to optimize the virtual presence. Opt for the social media platforms that are exciting yet engaging for both ends. 

  1. Remaining Idle for Decades 

Active users on social media always look for B2B brands that are engaging and actively posting updates. Most of the Chinese B2B marketers compared to western world compromise on the customer experience. While you understand the context, it must be clear to you that inactive brands are always out of the customer reach. 

89% of the Chinese feel that B2B brands must interact with their buyers often. This interaction leads to tailor services concerning their preferences and needs. Surprisingly, there are other 83% users as well, which advocates that the greater the interaction, the higher the chances of the business to expand in the China B2B marketplace

While if you are already using leading social media platforms, make sure you nurture leads by interacting and engaging with your potential market. 

  1. Imprecise Content Marketing 

Did you know how important content marketing in China B2B marketplace is? This essential strategy is often missed out by the brands. Targeting an entirely different audience is challenging – B2B brands make major mistakes in optimizing their content. 

Be logical and precise with your actions in content marketing. You have to adjust in the social media paradigm to boost the business by reaching maximum targets for attaining potential growth. Don’t follow the paths prevailed in the Western world; Chinese social platforms might not perform well. 

We recommend Chinese B2B brands to focus on content localization. Just an understanding of the phenomenon and you are good to go.

  1. Overlooking Bridging Opportunities between Online and Offline

Innovative technology is always eye candy in the business world. However, B2B brands in China fail to build a market reputation due to negligence in paying attention to the right technology use. This matter of concern has enabled many entrepreneurs to remain at the back in the competition. 

You may find innumerable technologies in China that are worth looking at. QR codes are getting popular in China B2B marketplace. Success can only come if you also take maximum advantage of QR scans and bridge offline with online. 

  1. Neglecting What They Want From You 

Another most recognized mistake over social media is giving preference to personal interests over customers’ expectations. This act isn’t professional. The content uploaded on the digital platforms portrays your existence. Copying and translating others’ work is both unethical and fraud. 

Chinese social media has witnessed similar mistakes by a few B2B brands. This act ensures that these brands are not particular about what their customers are looking for. 

Pro-tip is to invest a little more time to your social media presence. 


Knowing the worth of your digital presence is essential. Once a blunder is filed, it becomes more challenging to stand again in the competition. We have enlisted the most prominent mistakes to avoid in the B2B marketplace. Make sure to pay attention to your right and wrongdoings for productive growth in the B2B market.


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