Common Content Marketing Mistakes that Can Ruin Your Strategy

content marketing mistakes

The major objective of content marketing is to capture the attention of relevant prospects and readers. Research shows content marketer has 5-10 seconds to make an impression and arrest the reader’s attention. The content must be catchy and captive enough to keep the reader engaged and attract quality prospects. Regardless of how important is in digital marketing, many B2B marketers make common content marketing mistakes.

The purpose of content marketing is threefold:

  • Strengthening the brand awareness and image.
  • Increase engagement by drawing quality prospects.
  • Driving revenues and conversion for the organization.

Common Content Marketing Mistakes to Tool Out for in 2020

To generate excellent content for B2B marketing success, it’s essential to keep the arm’s length from the following content marketing mistakes

Unsystematic Content Marketing Calendar

The content marketing or digital marketing department needs to establish an organized marketing calendar for publishing contents. Decide and choose the best time of posting the content in conjunction with the needs of your target audience. The period includes daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly you can set the time. For this, you have to study the analytics of your audience, their purchase cycle, time of using social media and browsing of product solution blogs and posts.

In this way, you can plan out what needs to be done and what does not need to make extra efforts. Also, creating a calendar will save your time and ounces of energy that you can employ in other productive areas.

Not Analyzing the Target Audience

Before writing the content determine the needs of the target audience. After that, align the content with the pain areas, interests and solutions that address the problems of the target market. In addition, brainstorm with your writers about which regions and points need to be highlighted across the target readers who can bring engagement. Google, web and other social media analytics can be useful for data gathering.

Failure to Speak the Customer’s Mind Voice

Once you get the relevant data of target audience behavior, slice and dice the data and find out words and tone of your client. After that, use these words and jargons in your content that sounds familiar to the target audience. Keep track of comments that your reader passes on to your blogs and posts. It will also help in gauging the language of the customer’s mind. Doing this will add value in personalizing your content.

Spelling and Grammar Mistakes

According to one research survey, 40% of readers think poor grammar and spelling reduces the credibility of the brand. Which means, content with grammatical mistakes shows the organization lacks in professionalism. As a result, a mature reader leaves with a bad taste in the mouth.

No Content Diversification

In your target audience, there are different people with different instincts and tastes. Some like short visual posts, some are attracted by videos. Also, some are enticed by the graphs and informative material in the content. Therefore, a single pattern of content can bore and distract your audience. Apparently, it’s important to play around different types of content flavor (text, pictures, video) to hit various sentiments in one go.

It’s helpful if you can gauge the attitude of a majority of the target audience toward content composition through marketing research surveys, chat or interactive conversation with the prospect.

Failure to Speak the Personality of Value Proposition

The B2B content marketing strategy must explain the actual benefits and value of the company’s product. In this context, one must provide authentic facts with credibility. Consequently, doing this will help build the trust of customers over the brand. Therefore, the content marketer should explore the dimensions of the brand and product how they reduce the effort, time and energy cost. Also, express the function and performance benefits of the product. The more unique and authentic you communicate how the product solves the problem. The more chances will be for your content to stand out the crowd. 

No Call to Action

The B2B marketer must urge the reader to take action. By persuading, the marketer can attempt engagement and conversion too. Asking for action examples can be like, for more information about our product please click, pass comments on our post does it solve your problem of car polishing, interested buyers of the product can inbox us, etc.

Content Is Not Responsive

Either professionals or the general public, they use different types of smart devices for browsing the internet. Your target audience has several options like a notebook, Tablet, Palmtop, laptops, computers, and mobiles for surfing the web. Therefore, your content must be user-friendly as well as device friendly. Similarly, the content must be helpful to mobiles because according to Pew Research Center, 77 per cent people in the USA holds the smartphone. In this context, a marketer must determine the percentage of the target market that holds smart devices.

Furthermore, explore the ratio of people who browse the internet via different mediums (Mobiles, Tablets, Notebooks, and Computers, etc.). Apparently, you can anticipate the prospect’s gadgets which are reading your content and surfing the internet. Which devices they use the most for reading content or browsing the internet is valuable information for content marketing.    


Sometimes, the content is excellent, but it does not work very well. Therefore,

  • Also, you need to consider the factors of content optimization and web optimization.
  • Ensure content target correctly to the right people.
  • Publish on the right platform?
  • Keep ideas and information in check.

Apart from that, if your organization is not allocating proper resources for content marketing in terms of budget and human resource this can also lead to failure in content marketing.


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