How to Make your Product Top Selling in Retail Stores?

How to Make your Product Top Selling in Retail Stores

As a manufacturer, your main challenge is to create something that is worth buying and fits right according to the needs of your customers. In an expanding China B2B Marketplace, where every manufacturer dreams to hit the top retail stores, competition levels have soared to an all-time high. B2B companies are not only working hard to meet the demands at their consumer end but also producing something that stands above the growing e-commerce rivalry.  

Just as you can reach your customers directly through digital platforms such as a Hong Kong B2B trade site, you can also put your services in front of them through the entire supply chain cycle. From finding distributors to selling them your products and to finally getting on the famous retail store shelves, your job still doesn’t end here. You have to make sure that the products reach to your targeted consumers and take the top-selling mark at every retail store you collaborate with.   

To do that, you need the right strategy, persistence and a little effort to meet your objectives. Here’s how you can make your products top-selling in retail stores:


You can always stand a better chance of success by approaching retail stores that sell the same genre of products that you manufacture. It’s okay to go after small and targeted stores instead of going to Walmart, Target, or any departmental store with a wide variety. This way you can also have a close relationship with the owner and store staff – if you become one of their regular supply chain partners. Moreover, you can learn about the store’s purchase cycles, seasonal buying patterns and the type of customers who usually shop there.


 If you are new to this, the best way to start with is to hit local stores. You can not only have a better idea about the local supply chain but also test whether your products are appealing at the national level or not. Since building a distribution network is complicated, you must always have a reputation built at the local stage before taking off to an international marketplace.

It is also observed local stores promote more of their country-made products giving you an edge over the global brands present at the store.


A retail store may have a number of brands belonging to various manufacturers. When a customer walks in, the store staff asks their preferences and lead them accordingly. Similarly, when you manufacture and sell products at any Hong Kong B2B platform online, you would have a complete idea who your products are targeted to, what type of buyers will come looking for your products or whose demand it will fit to. So providing the same buyer personas to retail stores can help them identify your target consumers and convince them to purchase your products when they visit the stores.


Often, incomplete details of products can lead to confusion where customers end up buying other brands and services. When you stock up products at retail stores, try to have a detailed conversation with the storeowner and salespersons explaining them about your products, its functionality and what it’s used for. When the retail store staff will have complete information, they will be able to convince their customers resulting in high sales and profits for you.

Make sure that your story and information can differentiate you from the growing competition so you can witness customers choosing your product over other brands.


Retail is not just about selling products but also about interacting with customers and building loyal relationships with them. If so, train the retail store employees, give them guidance about your products, and help them analyse customer behaviours based on what they want to shop at what seasons. This will help you increase your sales and make your products best sellers at the store.


In order to reach that success mark, you have to be positive and be able to find different ways to stay on track. Retailing is complicated but not when you win your customers’ loyalty and trust.


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