Second-Hand Plastic Toys Causing Health Risks In Children

Toys Causing Health Risks In Children

The Discovery

A very first systematic investigation of hazardous elements in second-hand plastic toys took place in the UK, with the start of 2018. Scientists from the University of Plymouth analyzed 200 used plastic toys including, Inflatable Toys and Preschool Toys, found in homes, nurseries and charity shops across southwest England.

Also, a study published in the Journal of Environmental Science and Technology also stated that researchers used x-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry to analyze the presence of elements within all kinds of toys.

They discovered high concentrations of hazardous elements including antimony, barium, bromine, cadmium, chromium, lead and selenium – which are chronically toxic to children at low levels over an extended period – in many building blocks, figures, and items of jewelry that were either of a red, yellow or black color.

Why Do People Opt For Second-Hand Toys?

“Second-hand toys are a good option to families because we can get them directly from friends or relatives or obtained cheaply and readily from charity stores, flea markets, and the internet,” said Andrew Turner, from the University of Plymouth.

Not Meeting Modern Toy Safety Guidelines

While Toy Safety Directive applies to new products there is no regulation covering the recycling or resale of older toys; even new toys contain hazardous elements. Hence, the plastics industry, in alignment with the policies and guidelines or any laws & regulations of the Toy Safety Directive need to ensure to eliminate them.

Parents need to be more careful, take greater care and monitor what their kids are playing with and what they are buying for them. They also need to be more aware of the potential risks associated with small, mountable and brightly colored old plastic toys or components.


Awareness and taking appropriate precautions is vital: without that, the convenience, high price, and recyclability of second-hand toys have the potential to create a legacy of chemical contamination for infants.


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