How Can You Effectively Expand Your YouTube Channel With Millions of Followers?

YouTube Channel

There’s no denying the fact that video marketing today is considered as an important marketing aspect to promote your brand and channelize it among your targeted market. In fact, video marketing has been around for quite a while now, becoming more accessible and gaining more popularity among the brands. And while famous websites like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and even your website are the best places for you to invest, YouTube has been on the top with people around the world spending a billion of hours a day watching videos on this platform.

There are instances when YouTube is called as the second largest search engine, and can assist your content to be found efficiently and interacted with the customers quickly.

According to a report generated by Socialbakers, four out of five people today search for video content before purchasing a product or service especially in case of b2b marketplaces. For instance, there are many channels on YouTube providing product reviews of different brands, electronic items, and essentials. People watch those reviews and evaluate if the product they are planning to buy is worthy of being purchased or not.

Keeping this one particular aspect in mind, there’s no doubt that video marketing and promotion is on the rise as many brands and marketing agencies are preparing different strategies to capitalize the YouTube audience.

To get more information about this aspect, I researched a few things on my own and followed the work of some of the most renowned marketing experts. Known for his work on conversion software, Syed Balkhi has a reputed name in the field of marketing and technology. Founder of a famous YouTube channel and edutainment website, and over 2.3 million followers respectively, his videos have been viewed about 570 million times. He shares some of his best optimization tips for expanding a YouTube channel in 2018. They are: 


This might be a little weird for someone, but the most obvious aspect is this which majority of the people disregard entirely. Just like a blog post, when you are making your particular video, you must recognize the keywords you are planning to target.

Once you are done targeting your specific keywords, you can use tools like to locate the most searched up words regarding the marketing you are planning to target.

The sole reason why it is essential to select a keyword before generating content is pure because it authorizes you to create decent content. Once selecting the keyword before making a video, you can look it up on YouTube to observe the type of videos being made on the particular keyword. This will allow you to prepare your content accordingly and reach out to your desired audience efficiently.


The best way to expand your followers and your channel are to create fantastic content. However, it’s not necessary that the content is made from the start. Some of the most amazing videos are made from appealing, useful, and engaging content which you have made previously.

There are a majority of the people out there who visit YouTube to seek the answers they are looking for and tutorials for the problems they are facing about anything like a product or service, therefore, a content which is helping the users to solve all their problems seems like a good fit.

It’s essential to monitor different guides, blogs, and different performing websites you have and think of how you can turn it into art for others.

According to a survey, it has been estimated that about 67 percent of the millennials agree to the fact that they will be able to find almost anything on YouTube if they wish to learn or gain knowledge about something.


YouTube is a social media platform where people communicate with others through content, and therefore requires attention. If you are uploading videos without needing to communicate with your audience/followers, then surely you are missing out on a lot of things.

YouTube is known to reward the channels who actively engage with their followers through comments, feedbacks, dislikes, likes, and watch time. Therefore, always remember to reply back to any comment that you see appearing on your timeline and encourage your followers to do the same.


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