5 Items You Need To Store In A Portable Medical Kit For Emergency

portable medical kit

We always need someone to help us in an emergency. But at times, this help is not accessible due to many reasons. A portable medical kit is a life-saver to us. The experts also recommend having a safety kit near you so that you can easily handle the situation all your own.

Emergencies are uninvited and can vary in severity. If you have an organized and well-stocked portable medical kit, you can cope with critical situations that can get worse if not handled on time. Mostly, these safety kits are used to manage injuries and other common cases that you don’t really wish to visit a medical care institute.

Often, we don’t know what to add in our medical kits to fight from the situation. But this is an extremely important thing that every one of us must know.

Moreover, a portable medical kit is easy to manage because you can carry it anywhere. Even if you are stuck in bad weather or are on a long drive, a medical kit in your car can help you in managing the situation easily.

So, let’s find out what you can have in a portable medical kit for emergency situations.

What Can You Add In A Portable Medical Kit?

1. Band-Aids

The most essential item to have in your kit is a band-aid. This is something that can help you fix minor injuries on the go.

Several companies offer antibacterial band-aids to cure the injuries. You can also find reliable band aid manufacturers to stock the supplies and get rid of any hassles.

Band-aids are effective in covering the area, which can get worse if it comes in contact with bacteria or other particles in the air. Sometimes, an injured area needs to be covered so that it can heal effectively on its own.

2. Cotton

A medical kit must have enough cotton to help you in an emergency situation. This is mainly used to prevent the blood flow, clean the injured area, or putting an antiseptic solution on the skin.

Good quality cotton is recommended to use in certain cases so that an individual may not face any side-effect. You can also research the types of cotton that can be added in the kit for such situations.

Moreover, having cotton swabs and cotton balls in a medial storage box is also a good idea that doctors mainly recommend to us.

3. Prescribed Medicines

Your medical kit is incomplete without having specific medicines. We don’t only need things that are used in injuries but medicines as well, which can be taken without a prescription.

Some medicines are manufactured to cure our normal pains and other conditions. Doctors also prescribe these because of their manageable and reliable content.

You can always have paracetamol, anti-allergy tablets, and laxatives to get rid of the symptoms that make you restless. These can be taken when you can’t visit the doctor or know that the composition is suitable to cure your pain.

However, always take permission or consultation from the doctor before you use any medicine. It can be harmful to your health if you consume any medicine without consultation and in a high dose.

4. Thermometer

You cannot really check a body temperature by putting a hand on the forehead or visible symptoms. A thermometer is essential equipment, which gives you an accurate result of body temperature.

No matter where you are, a thermometer in a medical kit can help you in analyzing the situation well. Try to invest in a reliable and best quality thermometer so that you don’t get panic about its inaccuracy.

Moreover, keep it out of the reach of children because it has mercury in it with glass boundaries. The elements can affect anyone if a thermometer is damaged.

5. Scissors and Hand Sanitizer

Last but definitely not least, you will need a hand sanitizer. You cannot simply proceed with dressing or handing over the medicines to anyone without cleaning your hands. Make sure that your hands are clean and germs-free so that and the affected individual may not be caught by any other disease.

Other than this, you also have to keep scissors in the medical kit. Since you may have to manage band-aids or tapes, a scissor can help you cut it into desired pieces for better use. Make sure that you buy a standard-sized scissor that can easily fit in the box.


This is not it. You still have many options to add in a medical kit for critical situations. However, these are still the most important things that you should not miss out on and take benefit from it. You can also put things that you think are necessary at times of difficult situations.


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