Innovative Post Pandemic B2B Marketing Strategies You Can’t Miss

Post Pandemic B2B Marketing

COVID-19 turned the whole upside down. Every single industry, including B2B marketplaces faced while the world closed down physically, many businesses were thriving virtually thanks to digital marketing. When the B2B marketing strategies changed during the pandemic, it was evident that post pandemic B2B marketing strategies will be different as well.

If you are a B2B business owner or a marketer, then you need to adapt to the changes as well. We have listed the top post pandemic B2B marketing strategies that can help your business stay afloat.

Top Post Pandemic B2B Marketing Strategies to Help Your Business Grow

Below are the few of the most trending post pandemic B2B marketing strategies that many businesses are using and you should not miss out on them as well.

So with no further ado, let’s get into it!

1. Data Storytelling with Videos

Many businesses create video content to tempt their customers with emotional and psychological marketing tactics. It’s not the same case for B2B businesses.

B2C customers are easy to entice with emotional marketing. Meanwhile, B2B customers, which are business executives, are immune to emotions affecting their business decisions. That is why creating videos for a B2B business is far different.

During the pandemic, many businesses marketed their products using emotional or nostalgic marketing tactics and will continue to do so. You don’t have to take that road if you’re a B2B business owner or marketer.

Instead, you have to create videos that will attract the business executives. The easiest way to do that is by showing data, analytics, and facts in your video. However, try to keep it entertaining and engaging as well with good visuals and appropriate voiceovers/background music so that anyone would watch your video with interest. It will help them remember the video as well.

2. Live Chat & Chatbots Can Save You

Whether you visit a B2B marketplace or any other website that offers services or products, most of them have live chat feature.

Live chat is a widget that can be installed on your website. It makes every visitor able to get in touch with you directly in real-time. Now you have 2 options to choose from in live chat.

You can train a few agents and keep them available to reply to the customer queries or you can install a chatbot. Anyhow, a chatbot can only reply with pre-set answers only.

To make this post pandemic B2B marketing strategy work, use both effectively with plan. The best way is to let the bot start the chat, let the customer describe his/her queries to the bot, and then a suitable agent can help them. You can generate leads and nurture them easily with the help of live chat and chatbots easily.

3. Vbnirtual Conferences & Events are Far Better

Prior to the pandemic, one of the best ways to generate leads was through trade shows and marketing events. But because of the pandemic, these events became virtual and everyone actually enjoyed them.

It cut the traveling for visitors and management cost for the hosts. A lot of other expenses were reduces as well that made the virtual events better quality. People who were truly interested in the event joined them virtually and got connected to potential leads.

Every post pandemic B2B marketing strategy should include hosting virtual events. Everyone’s doing it, and you should too. You can get creative with your events and make it more of an experience for the audience rather than just a conference.

4.   Invest in Website & Mobile Apps

Your website is the visual representation of your business.

Even if you have a physical store, investing on a website to make it attractive and interactive is very important. It means that you have to work on the speed of your website, make it faster and work on the layout and design as well.

Besides that, work on optimizing your website for the mobile device as well. Many people don’t use laptops or computers for browsing the internet anymore as mobile devices are more convenient to use.

So it is important to make sure that your website works on mobile devices as efficiently as they do on desktops.

5.   Email Marketing is Still Powerful

Email marketing has been around for over two decades and you have to keep up with it even after the post pandemic.

Email marketing gained efficiency since the spread of the pandemic and will keep it in future as well. If you use apt tools, you can save a lot of money, time, and generate more leads than before.

Now it’s all up to you, how you do it.


These are a few post pandemic B2B marketing strategies you need to consider during your next campaign.

Other than these, utilize social media platforms to the fullest. These little things can bring huge changes in your B2B business dynamics!


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