Leveraging Your Location for Social Media and SEO

Leveraging Your Location for Social Media and SEO

SEO experts who have been running marketing strategies to rank their pages for years have become too entrenched to experience the benefits of local SEO and apply the change in their work. Local SEO is a gift from Google to all B2B marketplaces that can help them become dominant in their operational areas. However, you need to improve the location of your business for this strategy to work

If your business is located at a place with barely any proper roads, no place to park a car, or a proper waiting area, you can’t expect people to say good about you.

Businesses that focus on targeting local customers can use the power of the digital world to grow and become successful. For example, every other neighbourhood has a famous ice-cream shop where we go since our childhood days. Our reviews and gossips about their products and taste helped it gain popularity. However, if that shop wasn’t located at a nice place, we wouldn’t have visited it in the first place.

The same approach can be utilized in the form of requesting reviews and tags on social networks and search engines. Now you can even post your review on Google Maps for places you visit. These reviews play a vital role in increasing the popularity and credibility of a business. Find out how your location can leverage with a good local SEO or social media marketing strategy.


  • Social media networks are flooded with active users. The basic concept of such networks is to interact and socialize with others. You can use this concept to reach out to local customers and create interactive posts with video content or texts that attract people to comment or share. Chances are, your posts are more relevant to your audience’s interest.
  • You can start posting pictures of your workplace to show that customers will have a great experience on their next visit. You can also include pictures of people who have already purchased your products or availed your service. This tactic should build trust amongst people regarding your B2B marketplace.


  • Ask every customer to review your products and services on social media networks. People love visiting places that have good reviews. Customer experience is a great magnet that’ll attract many new prospects towards you. A survey has shown that 40% customer check online reviews before buying a product.
  • Always provide a good service to your customers so that they can post good reviews for you. Many people nowadays rely on reviews available at Google, Yelp, and other networks, before visiting a new restaurant or shop. Keep an eye out for poor review and contact such customers by providing them with compensations. Chances are, they may change their minds or remove the poor review.


All business owners dream of becoming multinational. However, before hitting the international market, you need to become dominant locally.

  • To become a well-known business locally, you have to focus on getting a good rank on Google. Google, considers local businesses over international ones in specific locations. If you create high-quality and informative content on your website, Google will index your page and offer you a better rank. The rank will in return boost your daily traffic and generate organic leads. Around 80% consumers search the internet before purchasing a product or service.
  • Add your location where ever possible on various websites. For Example, if you have a Facebook profile, don’t hesitate to add your location on it. This will help people know where you are located and how they can reach you.


Local SEO, without any doubt, is an effective strategy to capture the market share of your local market. However, that doesn’t mean you should stop focusing on traditional SEO tactics. A perfect blend of both strategies can help you become a recognized and dominant business. If you believe your current location isn’t attracting potential consumers, switch now and work on leveraging your new whereabouts. Invest in creating an effective SEO marketing plan and move closer towards your business objective of becoming a multinational in the future.


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