3 Crucial Online Marketing Tools Every Startup Should Have In 2020

3 Crucial Online Marketing Tools Every Startup Should Have In 2020

Starting a new business is one of the toughest things. However, making that new business a success, in the long run, is even a more significant challenge.

A significant number of startups usually close down due to failure. However, the ones that do survive have the opportunity to become worldwide sensations in the book of business history. – And believe me, dreams do come true! All you need as a business owner is the dedication to work hard, the guts to take risks and the grit to make it possible.

All startups wish to get their hands on tools and techniques that are easy on the pocket. Well, in order to survive in the modern environment, you’re going to have to initiate a digital marketing campaign that makes a blast in the market. Such a campaign will require some heavy fire tools that are both effective and won’t break the bank for you.

In this blog, we’ll highlight three of the best and must have online marketing tools that every B2C or B2B marketplace needs in their initial days. Without further ado, let us show you how these tools can turn the table in your favor without having to go above your shoe-string budget.


I’m pretty sure that you’re already familiar with Gmail, Google Drive and Google Docs. As important as they are in managing all the data for your business when we talk about marketing, three primary tools have to be focused on.

★ Google Tag Manager
★ Google Analytics
★ Google Keyword Planner

Do you want to know the best thing about these tools? There’re all free! Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics are essential for startups as they are used to track visitor data of your website. They provide you with complete data that can be used to analyze the performance of your content or specific web pages. All startup firms require loads of data to come up with new strategies to target their audience.

On the other hand, Google Keyword Planner is a tool used by digital marketers to gather data related to the keywords you plan on working. In order to make your SEO effort pay off, proper keyword research is essential, and this tool is the best one to make that happen.


Mailchimp is an easy to use tool that you can use on your website to enhance the quality of customer support. With this tool, not only can you send and receive emails from your prospects, but you can also enable live chat support. With live chat, you can solve your visitor’s queries, and engage them at that very moment. This tool is an excellent communication channel that can enhance user experience and win hearts.

3.     BUFFER

A great digital marketing technique that is both effective and cost-friendly is SMM. Social media plays a vital role in our lives as the majority of the world’s population that has access to the internet can’t go a day without using at least one platform. In fact, in 2019 the number of global social media users is expected to touch the 2.77 billion milestones. In addition, by 2021, it is expected even to cross the 3 billion mark. 

However, there are too many social platforms out there. In fact, on average every internet user has a profile on five social platforms. For a brand, seeking social media presence on all the top platforms, its crucial for you to be active on all of them. As rewarding as it sounds, managing so many accounts at once can be tricky. You may even have to hire a social media expert to handle the pressure. Instead of paying a high salary to an SMM expert, all you need is Buffer.

Buffer is one of the best social media automation tools that lets you manage all your profiles from a central dashboard. In addition, you can also schedule posts and track the performance to have a better understanding of the response.


Online marketing is a rewarding technique that can help your startup become a brand this year. However, it can become challenging to actually build your presence without the right weapons in your arsenal. Therefore, start with the tools mentioned above so that you can establish a good online presence without breaking the bank.


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