How to Avoid Common B2B Marketing Errors that May Cost you a Fortune


I’m pretty sure by now you’ve heard numerous times that having a website is a crucial element in achieving business growth. However, there is a lot more to it than just introducing an online B2B platform for your business.

In order to enhance the authority and effectiveness of your site, you have to utilize B2B digital marketing techniques in the best way. Though B2B content marketing is considered the best one, you still have to use a blend of all other methods as well to boost your traffic and lead generation.

If you’ve just started a new international B2B marketplace and wish to have an online presence, you have to create a well-thought, error-free digital marketing strategy. Even the slightest of mistakes can ruin your outcomes and lead your startup to go down the line. Well, you don’t have to worry because in this blog we’ll be covering some of the most common B2B marketing errors you should avoid for survival in your specific industry.


One of the most common B2B marketing errors that lead to failure in the first few months is a lack of adequate planning. How can you expect to reach your destination without having a map or a guide to take you there? Similarly, as an entrepreneur, you have to plan and set your goals and objectives. You have to know what you want so that you can aim your tools and strategies at the right target. For example, do you want to increase your traffic, sales, ranking in Google, generate engagement, or simply enhance your online presence? You must set your goals carefully before hitting the gas pedal!

Other than that, you must also determine your target audience. Without creating segments of your target audience, you’ll never know who to target your techniques on. Ask yourself, what you have to offer and who will appreciate your products and services the most. The answers will help you determine your target market.


Nothing is impossible, said by many business leaders! However, that doesn’t mean that you should walk on a path that is unrealistic. For example, you can’t expect to become a success overnight. It requires hard work, adequate planning and a good strategy. You must set your goals for the medium or long run. There are thousands of organizations in the world, and all of them took time to become successful.

To make that happen, start by using cheaper techniques like B2B digital marketing strategies – such as content, SMM (social media marketing), SEO (search engine optimization) email marketing, Google Ads, etc. Avoid overpriced offline B2B marketing techniques which are prone to spending up all the money in your budget. In addition, your expectations should be aligned with the current budget that you have. Apart from that, make the most out of all the B2B digital marketing tools you have. Once you’ve got all these things straight, you’ll eventually start generating a better ROI.


A common mistake many new business owners make is that they don’t monitor or analyze the results their B2B marketing is producing. We know that they are pretty busy managing everything, but this mistake can become the reason for shutting down the business.

With the help of reports and outcomes, you can understand which sector requires more work, or which strategy should be stopped with immediate effect. To avoid such consequences, all you have to do is track the performance of your online strategy. You can use tools like Google Analytics to analyze the performance of your website. This tool will reveal the source of traffic, bounce rate, average user time, country, the device used and much more.

Apart from that, you can also use the A/B testing technique to determine which strategy can generate better results for your online B2B marketplace.


Google loves those sites that use fair means of marketing. In other words, all those who use black hat SEO (illegal) techniques will only get flagged as spammers. In addition, their web pages will also get de-indexed. White hat SEO techniques are what will help you get in Google’s good books.

Therefore, instead of buying email lists, increase your subscribers by convincing your viewers. In addition, there is no need to buy links when you can generate high-quality content. You’ll find many great free guest posting sites that publish your content with a do-follow backlink. When it can be done for free, why spend money?


SEO is a crucial digital marketing technique that has the power to generate immense organic traffic. If done right, you can get your key phrases and web pages ranked on the first page of all the top search engines like Google, Bing, and Baidu.

Start with your keyword research and shortlist all those terms that are both relevant to your content and are searched by users. After that, organically place these keywords in your content and pages to eventually witness a boost in your rank. In addition, optimize your site speed and assure that its mobile friendly for a better position. Nowadays, people prefer using the internet on their handsets more than their desktop. So mobile optimization is essential. Google, the best online search engine, has also given importance to mobile optimization by introducing the mobile-first index algorithm in 2018.


Currently, 93% of B2B digital marketers are using content marketing as a strategy to boost their online presence. Well, are you? If not, then you’re losing big time. The stats clearly indicate that almost all your competitors are using this strategy and if you want to get anywhere close or ahead of them then this is the technique to invest in.

However, certain aspects need to be considered while publishing content. Your content has to be unique, creative and engaging. The whole purpose behind publishing content and promoting it is to generate traffic and leads. Therefore, never post outdated or irrelevant content. This will only scare off your readers and drop your authority and rank on search engines. If you can’t handle content production, you can always outsource or hire a team of quality copywriters to do things in the right way. Believe me; it’s worth your investment.

The Bottom Line Is…

B2B digital marketing can get pretty tricky. However, if you want your B2B platform to succeed, you cant only rely on traditional marketing techniques. The world is evolving, and digital marketing is your ticket on the train to success.

If you want to become a successful B2B marketer, you have to learn from your mistakes. The B2B marketing errors mentioned above are quite common in the modern digital environment. However, now that we’ve highlighted them, you can prepare yourself and your team to avoid taking any harmful steps that may lead your business to go down the line.


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